How to Complete Leadership Training Day (LTD) as Part of the Steps to Induction

Leadership Training Day (LTD) is the second event you need to complete along the Steps to Induction. LTD is a 2-hour interactive video session designed to equip you with the skills and insights needed to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Here’s a detailed look at what LTD involves:

To Begin:

In-Person Chapters: Navigate to your Chapter Calendar in the Members Area.

Online Members: Navigate to the Leadership Training Day section of the Members Area.

Key Features of Leadership Training Day:

  1. Interactive Video Session:
    • Format: LTD is presented as an engaging, interactive video session. You can participate from the comfort of your home or in a group setting on campus depending on your type of chapter.
    • Accessibility: The video session is accessible online, making it easy to join whether you’re part of an online or in-person chapter.
  2. Comprehensive Workbook:
    • Provided Materials: Along with the video session, you’ll receive a workbook that complements the training. This workbook includes exercises, reflection prompts, and action plans that you’ll complete during and after the session. In-Person Chapter members will receive their workbook from their chapter leaders, while Online Chapter members will access theirs online in the Members Area.
    • Purpose: The workbook is designed to help you internalize the concepts discussed in the video, providing a structured way to apply what you learn to your personal and professional life.
  3. Goal Identification and Overcoming Obstacles:
    • Self-Assessment: The session begins with a self-assessment to help you identify your current strengths and areas for improvement.
    • Obstacle Analysis: You'll learn strategies for identifying and analyzing obstacles to your progress. These could include personal, academic, or professional challenges.
    • Solution Strategies: The training provides practical techniques and tools to overcome these obstacles. This includes goal-setting frameworks, time management strategies, and problem-solving skills.
  4. Focus on Strengths and Passions:
    • Strength Discovery: LTD helps you discover and leverage your unique strengths. You'll engage in exercises that highlight your talents and how to apply them effectively in various aspects of your life.
    • Passion Exploration: The session encourages you to explore your passions and align them with your goals. This helps ensure that your leadership journey is not only successful but also fulfilling and aligned with what truly motivates you.
  5. Interactive Elements:
    • Group Activities: If you’re participating in a group setting, there may be breakout sessions where you can collaborate with peers, share experiences, and gain diverse perspectives.
    • Personal Reflection: Throughout the session, there are moments for personal reflection where you’ll jot down insights, set personal goals, and develop action plans.
  6. Long-Term Benefits:
    • Ongoing Application: The skills and strategies learned during LTD are designed to be applied long after the session ends. The workbook serves as a reference guide to help you stay on track with your goals.
    • Networking Opportunities: Engaging in group activities provides a platform to build connections with fellow members, fostering a supportive network of like-minded individuals committed to leadership and personal growth.

Leadership Training Day is more than just a seminar; it’s a transformative experience that equips you with the tools to navigate your leadership journey effectively. By identifying and overcoming obstacles, focusing on your strengths and passions, and applying practical strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to achieve your goals and make a significant impact as a member of the NSLS.

You can find more information about the additional steps to induction in our overview here.